Am I Just a Parent?
Once you’ve crossed the Rubicon to parenthood, everything changes.
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Once you’ve crossed the Rubicon to parenthood, everything changes.
Even when you feel like it’s a lost cause, it’s never too late to connect with your child and improve your relationship. Whether you have a toddler or a teen, they need to feel you are on their side and love them through even their most challenging behaviors. Here are…
Between the pandemic, the election and figuring out how to manage kids, the household, work, finances…it’s no wonder parents feel pushed to the brink. We’re in a constant state of dread and anxiety about the future. And our kids pick up on it. Let’s look at how to calm ourselves so…
PARENTING THROUGH THE PANDEMIC Tips for making it through this tricky time. Have other ideas that have been working for your family? Email me at Know that it will not be perfect. Your family is adjusting to a vastly different routine. Expect push back from children as they adapt….
Many of the moms I work with report experiencing moments of anxiety that send them spiralling up and up, getting more and more tense and convinced that something bad is going to happen. Maybe it was triggered by the news (read the latest on the flu epidemic, anyone?), or a…
So maybe you don’t want to parent your kids the way you were parented. Much love to mom and dad, but there’s room for improvement on the parenting front! The adults in your life used threats, bribes, time-outs or even spanking when you were small. And you know that threats,…
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